many dimensions has reality? How many layers of meaning are
is like a book which has various layers of meaning. It can be read
like a story, like a novel, with all its characters and happenings.
It can also give profound teachings hidden in the folds of a simple
story. And lastly, in the deepest layer it can take you into the main
core of reality, which is not visible to our eyes, not detected by
our regular senses. In this layer you become the writer and the book
magically talks about you. You become writer and reader at the same
time. A concept that i feel and live everyday traveling and
especially here in this place and this moment, on the shore of
Victoria lake.
I came here as
first stage of a new phase, that is traveling alone and independent
for a while. It's pouring with rain while i'm writing and a moment
ago watching the rain fall ,rippling the surface of the lake, which
shortly before was as flat as a board, i think about reality and the
deep layers it contains that we keep on missing all the time. We tend
to override every moment like with a tank, frantic and greedy of new
moments which we will again override in our wild ride. It's like
eating a course and already thinking about the next, without tasting
and enjoying the one right under our nose. We are always projected in
the next moment, loosing the magic and the message that the present
one contains, which indeed is a “present”, a gift. It's the
famous “here and the now”. So it's exactly in a place like this
with not much to do, lot of nature and free time that we realize how
we are unable to stop the world, our inner world that determines then
the external world. Every single moment our mind tells us a story,
starting from external inputs. Sounds, smells, images and situations.
Our mind really does contain the best of everything to tell us our
own story, to teach us how we need to react to these inputs. And
there we have reality, our own freshly-baked reality made of
considerations and impressions that only we live. Our mind needs
continous inputs to keep telling its story, its illusion, and to keep
us distracted from that deep layer that flows like a river under the
veil of reality. The Mind gets tired of the same inputs and so to
take revenge, it starts projecting images from its huge collection
piled up along a lifetime. And here comes opposing emotions of
frustration, nervousness and a need of new things, adrenaline to feel
alive, active. And here is how a place, that a moment ago seemed
perfect to find yourself, can become like a small prison from which
we want to run away. But this is where the fun starts. It's
overcoming this first stage that allows the magic to
begin. Traveling
is not only a physical journey through new lands and sleeping every
night under a new moon. Traveling is also taking a journey inside
ourselves, drifting into our own personal deepness bringing light
down to the depths of our soul, helped by the considerations that the
journey induces and from the projection of ourselves that bounces
back from meeting others. Yesterday before lunch there was a
wonderful light, and on the horizon huge and soft white clouds lit by
the sun.
clouds, ahhh how beautiful!! I have passed all my life admiring them,
especially the huge and creamy ones lit up by the sunset. I have
often dreamed of flying around and through them, and once tired
sitting down on one of them to watch a fiery sunset and the sun being
swallowed by the horizon. The clouds...a perfect example of something
ever changing, never static. How many of us have passed endless
moments lying on a lawn with friends watching the strange and funny
shapes they gradually took, and to see how a picture turned into
something else??...Magic!!
i was looking at this view and i was reflecting about the trip i'm
making, about my being here. I
left Mbale a few days ago,
town that has been my home for over a month, and after three
wonderful days with a friend in Kampala here i am in this corner of
paradise. Here, inspired by the landscape i enjoy my present and try
to break down the future. That future that our mind keeps projecting,
making you feel nervous, late with your plans, ideas and everything.
I think about how this journey began, more like a way to save my
life, to react and get back on my feet after an hard knock down. And
now i see me, here in Africa in the front of Victoria lake, studying
Swahili, enjoying a present full of emotions and not feeling too
worried about the next step to take. As many know i still don't have
a return ticket ..and for
the moment i still don't want to look at flights and think about a
possible return, even so it's probable I will be home for Christmas.
I think about this while watching the landscape, and suddenly, as if
by magic, my mind steps aside; i follow with my gaze the birds
playing above the lake, i see an eagle on a branch 2 meters above my
head. I become a simple observer and i think what else could an human
being ask for. And so i ask myself, why should i really go back?
Maybe i should stay here until i feel that i have had enough, maybe
there's something for me here, and that's why i came. Life is ironic
and travel is its best representation. I'm letting myself be crossed
and shaped by everything, carried by the current, this is what i feel
now and it's a crazy feeling, giving me shivers, like i never felt
before. Because sometimes when traveling alone, i had been holding on
thinking about my return. This time its different, i'm flying,
embroiled in people, places, situations and already no longer the
same and even with a return ticket in my hand i know that i will
never really come back. This is the mood i want to keep now, and live
this experience as if there was no tomorrow, making it timeless,
making it “life”, as if i would stay here forever.
i leave you with a passage from the book “The never ending story”,
a true masterpiece that contains various layers of deepness put
together with art. This passage of the book represents perfectly
everything that i'm living in this moment.
Bastian is in Goab, the multicolour desert which was born from the
wood of Perelun “created” by him, and talks woth Graogramàn, the
mighty lion master of the desert.
he said after a long silence. <<May I ask you a question?>>
<<Your servant is listening.>> <<Is it true that
you've always been here?>> <<Always!>> <<And
the desert of Goab has always existed?>> <<Yes, the
desert too. Why do you ask?>> Bastian pondered. <<I don't
get it,>> he finally confessed. <<I'd have bet it wasn't
here before yesterday morning.>> <<What makes you think
that, master?>> Then Bastian told him everything that had
happened since he met Moon Child. <<It's all so strange,>>
he concluded. <<A wish comes into my head, and then something
always happens that makes the wish come true. I haven't made this up,
you know. I wouldn't be able to. I could never have invented all the
different night plants in Perilin. Or the colors of Goab-or you! It's
all much more wonderful and real than anything I could never have
made up. But all the same, nothing is there until I've wished it.>>
<<That,>> said the lion, <<is because you're
carryin AURYN, the Gem.>> <<But does all thi exist only
after I've wished it? Or was it all there before?>> <<Both,>>
said Grogramàn. <<How can that be?>> Bastian cried
almost impatiently. <<You've been here in Goab, the Desert of
Colors, since heaven knows when. The room in your place was waiting
for me since the beginning of time. So, too, was the sword Sikanda.
You told me so yourself.>> <<That is true, master.>>
<<But I-I've only been in Fantastica since last night! So it
can't be true that all these things have existed only since I came
here.>> <<Master,>> the lion replied calmly.
<<Didn't you know that Fantastica is the land of stories? A
story can be new and yet tell about olden times. The past comes into
existence with the story.>> <<Then Perilin, too, must
always have been there,>> said the perplexed Bastian.
<<Beginning at the moment when you gave it its name,<<
Grogramàn replied, <<it has existed forever.>> <<You
mean that I created it?>> The lion was silent for a while. Then
he said: <<Only yhr Childlike Empress can tell you that. It is
she who has given you everything.>>
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